Proved that he has the power to Oscar-winning director Giorgio Armani is already Farm. It was the latest Paolo Sorrentino. Revered for his epic La Grande BELLEZZA on the southern coast of Italy, he dialed down the intimate Armani short film that opened to show the world some of the rope pairs yirugoyi naked on the beach on a primitive response system and the body as landscape It was a single toggle closing high collar jacket is Armani loves.It. So I called the Sabbia fabric sand.Layers supernally they're more poorly than did the alien quality of the film is almost a light shimmer. As a collection. But was replaced by a white light abstract oil Armani is set by Sorrentino dark erotic scene quickly. Sand is yes, but in a world of monochrome representation of the pattern in the line created by the wind on the sand dunes diaphanousness python print flower embroidery.

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